What’s Fair?
Fair Travel™ Tanzania is a non-profit tour company setup as a social enterprise with 100% charitable goals. This means that we depend on revenues from happy customers. It also means that we exist and work for the benefit of the local staff, economy, community and environment. ‘Social and environmental responsibility’ is not part of our Read more
What’s not Fair?
It is not fair that: Guides, porters and cooks do most of the actual work, are paid less than minimum wage and depend fully on the insecurity of tips/gratuity from customers. You, as a customer, are held responsible for paying staff salary and are put in the awkward situation of deciding the value of a Read more
Our philosophy
Fair Travel Tanzania™ is a non-profit tour operator with 100% charitable goals. As a registered and licensed company we are fully dependent on having satisfied customers. As a non-profit we are able to channel money to benefit local people (social profits) and protect nature (environmental profits). Our philosophy is all about caring: Care of customers: Read more
Our story
Benjamin Taghavi-Awal My life, all travels, the people I’ve met, my education and all years of professional experience have prepared me for Fair Travel™. The idea was born when I was travelling and looking for a safari and Kilimanjaro company myself in Tanzania. I was stunned by the prices considering the average income of the Read more
Our impact
Fair Travel™ uses revenues from tourism for the benefit of local staff, economy, community and environment. This is the impact we are most proud of so far: Social impact – human and labor rights: We are very proud of our impact in this field as we are contributing to strengthen human and labor rights in Read more